Product packaging is the first thing your customer sees even before the product. It needs to be thought out with the same level of importance as your product. Product packaging can even influence sales.
In this article, we’ll explain the reasoning behind product packaging to increase sales.
Let’s get started.
What is product packaging?
Product packaging is the material used to wrap a product. It plays a fundamental role as it protects it, promotes it and is used in transportation.
7 in 10 shoppers say that packaging influences their purchase decisions.
Understanding these statistics tells companies they can’t only look at their packaging from a functionality perspective but need to consider the marketing and sales impact.
How product packaging influences sales
Product packaging is the first thing a customer sees when they’re looking for your product. It’s either been shipped to them or they are viewing it at the store, both of these scenarios impact the sales process.
Let’s look at why.
Drives repeat sales
Opening a package that’s been well thought out goes a long way. The product packaging creates a positive and memorable experience.
It can give the customer an immediate connection with the brand making it easy to make a repeat purchase.
Adds value to the sale
Purchasing the product isn’t the end of the sale, it can be the customer experience from the first time they take notice of your brand to the last time they use your product.
The product packaging is part of the sale. Premium packaging can add more value to the sale.
Creates an appeal
Good product packaging creates more interest. In-store, packaging can help your product stand out and the same goes for ecommerce stores. Packaging still needs to be thought about.
Unboxing videos have become quite popular. By showcasing an unboxing of your product, the packaging is the first point to be made about the experience.
Tips for good product packaging
To increase sales for your own product packaging, here is some tips for good product packaging.
Create a package on brand
Have your packaging relate to your brand. It should be in style with your brand elements like colour, logo and font. Your packaging and product should both relate to your brand.
Be eye-catching
You want your product to stand out online and in-store. Adding creative design elements can really elevate your packaging.
Think of the product photo as well! What elements will look good in the photo?
Want to learn more about product photos? Check our article “How to take product photos?“
Use quality materials
Quality materials add value to your product and create a good package experience.
Even if it’s a quality bag compared to a cheap bag, customers will take notice of the quality.
Consider sustainability
Many consumers today are environmentally-conscious. People are looking for eco-friendly packaging options.
Consider using recyclable or biodegradable materials, or even reusable packaging.